티스토리 뷰
[공무원,경찰 파이널문법 500제(7) 정답 및 해설] 구꿈사,공수모,경시모(공무원기출문법, 기출문제 왕글리쉬 배포)
폼나게 살자 2013. 7. 15. 10:54
윗 손가락추천 클릭 후 문제 및 정답-해설을 다운로드 받으세요^^
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맨투맨 이재훈 샘의 왕초보기초!!! 문법 확실히 알고 가자~~!!
1강. 왕초보영어 7일만 끝내기 - 8품사의 기초개념(1.4배속) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/3 (강의요약)
* 영어못하는 사람들이 보는 강의 - 왕초보영어 7일만에 끝내기 체험단 모집 중 *
* 이재훈 공무원 영어칼럼 추천 글 * - 공무원 영어정복 첫 걸음 영어기출부터 분석하라! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/394 - 공무원 영단어 무작정 암기하지 마라!(공부법) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/329 - 공무원 영어고득점의 시작 영문법 기초정복(노하우) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/17 - 공무원 영어고득점의 관건 영어독해 공부법(기초편) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/392
* 이재훈 공무원 영어강의 파트별 정리 * - 공무원 왕초보영문법 8품사부터 제대로 공부하라!! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/3 - 공무원 왕초보영단어 어원으로 공부하라!! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/247 - 공무원 보카바이블 표제어 775 저자직강 Mp3 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/201 - 공무원 기초인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기초영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/20 - 공무원 기본인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기본영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/180 - 공무원 기출문법 OX 총정리 이론강의 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/8 - 공무원 영문법 최종정리 관계대명사를 정복하라 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/9 - 공무원 기초독해 공부법 & 노하우 공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/44 - 공무원 영어고득점 합격수기(맨투맨의 위력) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/90 - 공무원/경찰 영어 최단기 고득점 노하우 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/678 - 공무원/경찰영어 영어까막눈에서 영어고득점까지 공부과정(2년) 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/746
* 이재훈 공무원 영어강의 파트별 정리 * - 공무원 영어기출 년도별 문제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/285 - 공무원/경찰 기출어휘-숙어 총정리 300제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/747 |
01. __________ , the moon is important because it is the nearest to the earth of all heavenly bodies.
① A small world is only in space ② It is only a small world in space
③ A small world only in space ④ Only a small world in space
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02. One difficulty ______ the consequences of economic policy is that these consequences can not be wholly assigned to any single cause.
① of assessment ② in assessing ③ will assess ④ be assessed
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03. Our patient seems today; he must be feeling better.
① more liveliness ② more liver ③ more livelily ④ more lively
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04. Not every pearl that is found ____________.
ⓐ of value ⓑ is valuable ⓒ to be valued ⓓ valuable
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05. Select one which is NOT acceptable for standard written English.
ⓐ The rocks of the Cambrian period of prehistory were formed 500 to 600 million years ago.
ⓑ A great many legends existed about various fish that have been living to a ripe old age.
ⓒ Blue whales can be 100 feet long and weigh more than any dinosaur that ever lived.
ⓓ With the advent of the motor car, travel became more accessible to the population.
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06. Select one which is NOT acceptable for standard written English.
① A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
② He gave me many informations on that matter.
③ In autumn, much fruit arrives in the markets.
④ We wrote for literature on various brands of steel shelving.
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07. Select one which is NOT acceptable for standard written English.
1) He is not enough intelligent to pass the entrance examination.
2) Soft contact lenses are more comfortable than hard contact lenses.
3) I attended the University of Iowa from 1999 to 2002.
4) She might take a year off school and live in a foreign country.
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08. 친구를 보면 그 사람을 알 수 있다. (영작)
① A man may be known by the friends he keeps.
② A man shows his friends best.
③ A man can be known for his friends he has kept.
④ A man may be known as his friends.
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09. The United Nations ①is accusing the militia ②of blocking emergency food supplies to ③tens of ④thousand of people in the suburban area.
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10. It was ①not until 1895 ②when the ③southernmost source of the river ④was discovered.
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11. The ①judges' decisions can ②be based upon what is right ③rather than ④by what is popular.
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12. The old man ①had lived in the house ②since two years, ③yet ④here wasn't a soul he knew in the whole neighborhood.
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13. ①More than a year ②before, famous Japanese authors ③like novelist Masahiro Mita began ④advocating for the British system.
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14. The efficiency of solar energy compared with that of more ①traditional types of energy ②are ③still being ④debated by scientists and politicians.
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15. (A)Some people are (B)so (C)reliable and trustworthy (D)as the sunrise.
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16. The abortion issue is ①too complicated and emotional in many countries ②such as Ireland that it is ③not always easy to read the results of a vote ④on the topic.
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17. ①Ever since he came here, he ②has been ③complaining ④about constantly the food.
18. ①To the poet the world appears still ②more beautifully as he ③gazes at flowers that are ④doomed to wither.
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19. It's ①easy to ②get lost in today's ③ending flow of ④information.
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20. My roommates (A)have all gone to the party. I decided (B)not to go with them, (C)but now I wish I (D)have gone with them.
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21. When he ①visited the doctor, the doctor ②told John that he ③should gone to the hospital ④immediately.
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22. ①Occasionally, dolphins need ②to raise to the surface of ③the water to 4)take in oxygen.
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23. I ①was sitting in a restaurant quietly ②having a meal when suddenly a man nearby ③started to choking on a piece of food ④he'd swallowed.
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24. In 1290 the government at Delhi, ①which was made up of ex-slaves, ②was replaced by ③that of the Turks, ④it ruled for the next thirty years.
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25. The woman, ①of whom the red car is ②parked ③in front of our house, is a prominent lawyer ④in this city.
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26. Isadora Duncan (A)has had (B)little success in (C)the United States when she (D)first created dances based on Greek classical art.
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27. ①In general, ②newspapers emphasize current news, ③whereas magazines ④dealt more with background materials.
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28. The movie ①received an Oscar, ②a coveted award, ③for its extraordinary achievement in ④special affects.
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29. ①No ②other state receives as ③few rainfall ④as the state of Nevada.
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30. Polo ①was once played only ②by the wealthy because of the ③expensive of ④maintaining stables of polo ponies.
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31. Why do ①some people ②go grey ③much earlier than ④other?
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32. ①Institutions of higher learning ②get their funds from ③a variety of ④source.
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33. In ①the course of ②the several centuries, ③the technology has become ④a major force for both good and evil in our world.
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34. I hugged her tightly in my arms.
(1) Hardly know what I was doing (2) Hardly to know what I was doing
(3) Hardly knowing what I was doing (4) Hardly knew what I doing
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35. A child needs to learn how to get along with __________, how to spend his time wisely, and how to depend on himself.
① the other people ② another people
③ other people ④ one another people
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36. _________ applicants were accepted into the program this year due to a cut in funding.
① All of ② Much ③ Less ④ Fewer
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37. Harry could not get up until nine-thirty that morning and he arrived at the meeting .
① late too much ② much too late
③ too much late ④ so much late
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38. If it weighs 45 kilograms, you have to pay extra charge.
(A) over (B) more (C) up (D) upward
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39. _________ people with high blood pressure may not exhibit symptoms, they may not be aware they have the disease.
① So that ② Because ③ Although
④ However ⑤ Therefore
공무원 기출문법유형 500제,왕글리쉬 500제,왕글500제,기출공무원문법,문법다운로드,문법문제다운로드,기출문법족보,기출문법문제,기출무료다운,기출문법자료,문법무료자료, 이재훈 기출문법, 공무원문법,경찰문법,경단기,공단기,경시모,구꿈사,공수모,기출문법왕글리쉬,공무원파이널문법,파이널문법,이재훈파이널문법,문법500제, 공무원영어공부,공무원문법공부,