티스토리 뷰
[공무원,경찰 파이널문법 500제(6) 정답 및 해설] 구꿈사,공수모,경시모(공무원영어 인강추천 왕글리쉬 배포)
폼나게 살자 2013. 7. 9. 10:53윗 손가락추천 클릭 후 문제 및 정답-해설을 다운로드 받으세요^^
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맨투맨 이재훈 샘의 왕초보기초!!! 문법 확실히 알고 가자~~!!
1강. 왕초보영어 7일만 끝내기 - 8품사의 기초개념(1.4배속) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/3 (강의요약)
* 영어못하는 사람들이 보는 강의 - 왕초보영어 7일만에 끝내기 체험단 모집 중 *
* 이재훈 공무원 영어칼럼 추천 글 * - 공무원 영어정복 첫 걸음 영어기출부터 분석하라! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/394 - 공무원 영단어 무작정 암기하지 마라!(공부법) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/329 - 공무원 영어고득점의 시작 영문법 기초정복(노하우) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/17 - 공무원 영어고득점의 관건 영어독해 공부법(기초편) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/392
* 이재훈 공무원 영어강의 파트별 정리 * - 공무원 왕초보영문법 8품사부터 제대로 공부하라!! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/3 - 공무원 왕초보영단어 어원으로 공부하라!! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/247 - 공무원 보카바이블 표제어 775 저자직강 Mp3 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/201 - 공무원 기초인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기초영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/20 - 공무원 기본인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기본영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/180 - 공무원 기출문법 OX 총정리 이론강의 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/8 - 공무원 영문법 최종정리 관계대명사를 정복하라 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/9 - 공무원 기초독해 공부법 & 노하우 공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/44 - 공무원 영어고득점 합격수기(맨투맨의 위력) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/90 - 공무원/경찰 영어 최단기 고득점 노하우 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/678 - 공무원/경찰영어 영어까막눈에서 영어고득점까지 공부과정(2년) 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/746
* 이재훈 공무원 영어강의 파트별 정리 * - 공무원 영어기출 년도별 문제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/285 - 공무원/경찰 기출어휘-숙어 총정리 300제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/747 |
01. I (A)should like you and (B)his (C)to attend my birthday party (D)on Saturday afternoon.
02. Tom is more (A)worried (B)about his fame (C)rather than about doing as (D)good a job as possible.
03. The book is written ①from the unique perspective of two authors who have taught online ②themselves and have trained ③hundred of ④other faculty to teach online.
04. Bankruptcy legislation (A)is designed (B)to provide an (C)orderly and (D)equitably liquidation of the estates of an insolvent debtor.
05. Pipe and cigar smoke is thought to be (A)at least as dangerous as cigarette smoke; the (B)much (C)important and crucial determiner is (D)whether you inhale the smoke.
06. (A)Those with narcolepsy experience the uncontrollable (B)desire to sleep, perhaps several (C)time in one (D)day.
07. (A)For the first time he had to (B)pay heed to his appearance, and (C)in fact he became very (D)well-dressing from then on.
08. (A)After studying hard (B)to become an accountant, he discovered (C)that it was not (D)what he wanted to do.
09. Jesus Dureza, chairman ①of the government negotiating panel, ②says him that the talks ③“are not yet focused ④on a political settlement, but on development of the conflict areas.”
10. We went on (A)to discuss the issue of (B)who should represent (C)for us in the (D)negotiations.
11. The boys (A)usually (B)arrived (C)before I (D)was opening the office.
12. (A)Noted the nervousness of the speaker, the director broke the ice (B)by telling a joke (C)before introducing (D)her.
13. The movement for home schooling (A)began by Christian religious groups that were (B)dissatisfied with schools (C)because of the lack of values (D)taught there.
14. As a nation becomes more (1)democracy, one (2)would expect to see writers (3)from all social classes (4)emerge.
15. She (A)might enjoyed the workshop if she (B)had prepared (C)more diligently (D)during the semester.
16. John (A)sat the heavy box of books (B)down and looked (C)around (D)for his brother's car.
17. is a lightweight, silver-colored metal that can be formed into almost any shape.
ⓐ Aluminum that ⓑ It is aluminum ⓒ Aluminum ⓓ There is aluminum
18. The fragment showed the intricate ornaments and muscled thighs of the corn god.
① four-feet-long ② four-foot-length ③ four-foot-long ④ four-feet-length
19. I am starting this .
① about as Emily did the same ② as Emily did about the same
③ the same age about as Emily did ④ about the same age as Emily did.
20. Thank you very much , whoever you are.
① for you did at me ② for what did you for me
③ for what you did for me ④ to what you did for me
21. A desert is described as a region _________ an average of less than ten inches of rain falls in a year.
① in which ② which is ③ which has ④ in which is ⑤ there is
22. Midas, __________ name has become a synonym for a rich man, had very little profit from his riches.
① for whom ② that ③ whose ④ of which
23. Researchers won approval from the committee to field-test plants _____ to resist certain diseases.
① gene engineering ② genetically engineered
③ genetic engineering ④ genetic engineer
24. The report shows no increased threats from countries the U.S. government ______________ sponsors of terror.
① describes them as ② describing them as
③ describes as ④ which describes as
25. It is difficult to determine exactly .
① the center of the earth consists of what
② what does the center of the earth consist of
③ what the center of the earth consists of
④ what of the center of the earth consists
26. On the first day of this semester our professor introduced ______ to us.
① him ② himself ③ his ④ he
27. It wasn't ________________ I got home that I realized I'd lost my wallet.
① until ② before ③ when ④ that
28. the restrictions and small numbers, the Coalition partners have made a difference. They've helped to free up thousands of U.S. troops for frontline work.
(1) In spite (2) Despite of (3) Though (4) Despite
29. No sooner left than Sandy arrived.
(A) has Patrick (B) had Patrick (C) Patrick has (D) Patrick had
30. When direct-dial telephones achieved _________ in the 1960s, nationwide faxing became possible.]
① used widespread ② were used widespread
③ be used widespread ④ being used widespread
⑤ widespread use
31. When the rain __________, she'll go out for a walk.
① will stop ② stop ③ stops ④ stopped
32. The facilities of the older hotel _________________ .
① is as good or better than the new hotel
② is as good or better than that of the new hotel
③ are as good as or better than the new hotel
④ are as good as or better than those of the new hotel
33. The social system of bumblebees is not as complex ____________.
(A) than honeybees (B) as honeybees
(C) that honeybees are (D) as that of honeybees
34. _________ dress is beautiful on her.
(A) Blue that evening (B) Evening that blue
(C) That blue evening (D) Blue evening that
35. The explosion was very loud and could ____________ from a long way off.
① hear ② heard ③ be heard ④ have heard
36. Prof. Kim asked Soon-mi what doing since her graduation.
① she had been ② she is ③ she will be ④ she can be
37. Mr. Nomo left the Kintetsu Buffaloes after fighting openly with the manager over the demands that he ____________ more.
(A) practices (B) practiced (C) practice (D) will practice
38. We could not survive, ________________
(1) if it had not been for water (2) without having no water.
(3) if it were not for water. (4) if water is not.
공무원 기출문법유형 500제,왕글리쉬 500제,왕글500제,기출공무원문법,문법다운로드,문법문제다운로드,기출문법족보,기출문법문제,기출무료다운,기출문법자료,문법무료자료, 이재훈 기출문법, 공무원문법,경찰문법,경단기,공단기,경시모,구꿈사,공수모,기출문법왕글리쉬,공무원파이널문법,파이널문법,이재훈파이널문법,문법500제, 공무원영어공부,공무원문법공부,