티스토리 뷰
[공무원,경찰 파이널문법 500제(3) 정답 및 해설] 구꿈사,공수모,경시모(공무원영어공부 최고사이트 왕글리쉬 배포)
폼나게 살자 2013. 6. 11. 09:35윗 손가락추천 클릭 후 문제 및 정답-해설을 다운로드 받으세요^^
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맨투맨 이재훈 샘의 왕초보기초!!! 문법 확실히 알고 가자~~!!
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* 이재훈 공무원 영어강의 파트별 정리 * - 공무원 영어기출 년도별 문제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/285 - 공무원/경찰 기출어휘-숙어 총정리 300제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/747 |
01. The mass (A)production of paper bags cut costs (B)so much that a bag (C)soon became a routine part of (D)near every purchase.
02. (A)There is several people in the (B)meeting room (C)waiting for the meeting (D)to begin.
03. Venus (A)approaches the Earth (B)more closely (C)than any other (D)planet is.
04. The traditional lawn (A)has been replaced (B)by low-cost (C)terracing, with (D)raising pool and waterfall.
05. The fish have ceased ①to develop eyes because ②they live in such ③dark water that they no longer have any use ④for it.
06. (A)First of all, there must exist an active and expansive market economy, (B)which is a necessary (C)and not sufficient condition (D)for progress.
07. Roosevelt wondered (A)that he (B)himself (C)might get (D)the nomination in 1904.
08. There (A)was more news about Britain, but (B)they came (C)under the heading of (D)human interest.
09. Trenches in the ocean floor are (A)of great interest because they are lines (B)where (C)the earth’s crust often is (D)so weak to resist the impact of frequent earthquakes.
10. Jane indicated (A)to me that she (B)will get the job (C)in spite of her father's (D)objection.
11. During (A)pioneer times, the Allegheny Mountains (B)were a (C)barrier major (D)to transportation.
12. A small (A)number of African rice (B)is grown, (C)mostly in (D)west Africa.
13. Insurance can be ①divided into two ②primary ③category: business insurance ④and personal insurance.
14. One of ①the few benefits from the recession flowing to consumers ②are low inflation, which ③provides shoppers ④with plenty of bargains.
15. ______________ the environment assessment prepared by the government agencies and the administrative record, we conclude that there are substantial questions.
① To review ② When reviewed
③ Having reviewed ④ A review of
16. Dr. Lane suggests _____________ on different muscle groups at different points in a workout schedule, so that the routine doesn't become too dull.
① focusing ② being focusing
③ to focus ④ having focused
17. Upon hatching, .
ⓐ swimming is known by young ducks
ⓑ young ducks know how to swim
ⓒ the knowledge of swimming is in young ducks
ⓓ how to swim is known in young ducks
18. If I ___________ that you wanted to go, I would have dropped in at your house.
① had known ② knew ③ knows ④ have known
19. If Mary __________ a seat belt, she would have been injured in the accident.
(A) didn't wear (B) hadn't been wearing
(C) wasn't wearing (D) wouldn't have wore
20. , please call me.
① If you are needing anything ② Should you need anything
③ Do you need anything ④ If anything you need
21. He had his wife in the car accident.
① to kill ② kill ③ killed ④ killing
22. Once in a chat room, others can contact you by e-mail. Some online services monitor their chat rooms and encourage children offensive chatter.
① report ② to report ③ reporting ④ have reported
23. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _______________________.
① sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery
② sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully
③ sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week
④ sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers
24. Three years since I met her.
① have passed ② passed ③ has passed ④ had passed
25. English has an alphabet __________ 26 letters.
① that consists of ② which consisting of
③ consisting in ④ which consists in
26. Charcoal moves over paper easily, good for making quick sketches.
(A) it is (B) it also (C) so that (D) so it is
27. Only in 1921 __________________.
① actually was isolated insulin ② the actual isolation of insulin
③ was insulin actually isolated ④ insulin was actually isolated
28. _______ their senses, many animals perceive what is happening in their environment.
① Means of ② By means of ③ Of the means by ④ By means
29. She always tries her best to avoid _______ mistakes.
(1) that she makes (2) making (3) from making (4) to make
30. * Select one which is acceptable for standard written English.
(A) The rose smells sweetly.
(B) Ann looks very unhappily.
(C) It was raining hardly when I got up.
(D) You haven't seen the window cleaner lately, have you?
31. *Select one which is not acceptable for standard written English.
(1) If only we knew where to look for him!
(2) I hoped he will have finished before we got back.
(3) Ann wants to see Peter, but I'd rather she didn't.
(4) Had you obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened.
32. *Select one which is not acceptable for standard written English.
(1) My new apartment is really convenient for commuting to work.
(2) Mary and her sister just bought two new winter coats at the clearance sale.
(3) Jennifer is thinking of traveling around the world after graduation.
(4) The candidate as well as his supporters were pleased with the results of the last election.
33. The restaurant was ①overbooked; ②so we had to ③look for ④other place to celebrate our anniversary.
34. The languages ①spoken by the Alaskan Eskimos ②and the Inuit of Northern Canada are ③such similar as to be mutually ④intelligible.
35. To increase ①a number of women in senior positions, Edith Cowan University ②near Perth adopted a policy ③of awarding at least 40% of all 1994 faculty ④promotions to women.
공무원 기출문법유형 500제,왕글리쉬 500제,왕글500제,기출공무원문법,문법다운로드,문법문제다운로드,기출문법족보,기출문법문제,기출무료다운,기출문법자료,문법무료자료, 이재훈 기출문법, 공무원문법,경찰문법,경단기,공단기,경시모,구꿈사,공수모,기출문법왕글리쉬,공무원파이널문법,파이널문법,이재훈파이널문법,문법500제, 공무원영어공부,공무원문법공부,