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공무원 기초인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기초영어 1강 풀공개 http://wanglish.tistory.com/20

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01. Key West, which is the southernmost city in the United States, spread over a small island, four miles long and less than two miles wide.


02. We are even in March now; but snow still lies deep on the highways in the mountainous regions, kept traffic in complete paralysis.


03. In the past 100 years, soccer has been achieved a level of worldwide popularity unrivaled by any other sport.


04. The couple are at a table in a high-class restaurant, illuminating by glittering chandeliers and flickering candles.


05 By 2007, American universities are projected to enroll 6.9 million men _____________ 9.2 million women.

compared with by comparing

comparing to by contrast


06. ________ paying in cash, you should always ask for a receipt.

Even though As Since While


07. I wish that I __________ with you last night.

go went have gone

could go could have gone


08. Woman as she was, .

(A) Nancy was not difficult to get a job

(B) It was easy that Nancy got a job

(C) Nancy had no difficulty in getting a job

(D) It was easy of Nancy getting a job


09. Are we going to stay? No, it's time we ______________.

(A) had left (B) should leave

(C) were leaving (D) had to leave


10. If _____________, I'm sure I could have gotten some tickets for you.

(1) I knew (2) I had known

(3) I had been known (4) I have known


11. While I was studying in one room of our apartment, my roommate __________ in the other room.

had had a party was having a party

is having a party would have had a party


12. __________ in history when remarkable progress was made within a relatively short span of time.

Periods Periods have been

Throughout periods There have been periods


13. Still, I remember ________ violated at the time and as powerless as minnow in a flash flood.

to feel feeling being felt to have felt


14. Though I lived in Mexico for many years, I never _____________ the spicy food.

got used to used to was used to use to


15. Packing Department employees need to take more care in doing their work, as many packages __________ be returned the past month due to damage.

(A) are having (B) had (C) have got to (D) had to


16. I have just finished assignment.

(A) a twenty pages (B) twenty page

(C) twenty pages (D) a twenty page


17. The huge room contained a great number of students, of whom one-third were boys and ________________ girls.

other the other others the others




18. The biggest nail is the boat spike, __________ more than a pound and is about fifteen inches long.

its weight and weighs

which weighs how it weighs


19. begin their existence as ice crystals over most of the Earth seems likely.

(A) That raindrops (B) If raindrops

(C) What if raindrops (D) Raindrops


20. We know very little about ____ Shakespeare was or ____ he lived.

who - how what - who

which - how which - what


21. It is not clear when ___________, although there are many different theories.

(A) dinosaurs becoming extinct (B) dinosaurs extinction

(C) did dinosaurs become extinct (D) dinosaurs became extinct


22. Microwaves that once took up entire kitchen counters are now __________ to fit conveniently under cabinets and on cupboard shelves.

(1) so tiny (2) as tiny as

(3) tiny enough (4) tinier than


23. There will never be two snowflakes that are exactly .

(A) unlike (B) alike (C) like (D) liking


24. Although headache pain is _____________ back pain, both can interfere with ordinary daily activities.

more than effectively controlled the effect is more than controlled

more effectively controlled than controlled more than effectively


25. The Columbia River, in particular, with a flow volume larger than of the Mississippi River, is a power developer's delight.

much that those all


26. Thomas Paine's Common Sense was a brilliant piece of propaganda that for breaking free of England.

(A) eloquently the reasons state

(B) were stated the reasons eloquently

(C) was stating the reasons eloquent

(D) eloquently stated the reasons


27. ___________ bricks, workers press clay into blocks and bake them to the requisite hardness in a kiln.

Made To make Being made The making of


28. According to research, a person's attention is attracted ________________ by the intensity of different signals as by their context, significance, and information content.

so much not so much

much not so so much not


29. Rarely ____________ for more than a few seconds once they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

while meteors blaze do meteors blaze

meteors that blaze blaze meteors


30. The western part of the state generally receives more rain than ______________ the eastern part.

does in it does it does in in


31. ____________ the first place, it will probably be advisable for you to do advanced work in each of the four major fields.

(A) In (B) With (C) By (D) On


32. (a)Every knows that hospitals are institutions (b)where the sick are treated, but how (c)many realize that there (d)were once homes for the indigent and (e)friendless

공무원 기출문법유형 500제,왕글리쉬 500제,왕글500제,기출공무원문법,문법다운로드,문법문제다운로드,기출문법족보,기출문법문제,기출무료다운,기출문법자료,문법무료자료, 이재훈 기출문법, 공무원문법,경찰문법,경단기,공단기,경시모,구꿈사,공수모,기출문법왕글리쉬,공무원파이널문법,파이널문법,이재훈파이널문법,문법500제, 공무원영어공부,공무원문법공부,

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