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- 공무원 보카바이블 표제어 775 저자직강 Mp3 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/201

- 공무원 기초인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기초영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/20

- 공무원 기본인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기본영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/180

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- 공무원/경찰 영어 최단기 고득점 노하우 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/678

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- 공무원 영어기출 년도별 문제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/285
- 공무원 영어기출 30년(1985~2013) 통파일 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/720
- 초등영어단어 800제(교육부제시) 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/424
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01. Distance learning today is ____________ in professional and vocational education throughout the world. 
① widely used            ② widely    
③ used widely that   ④ that widely


02. Last year, Matt earned ________ his brother, who has a better position.
① twice as much as             ② twice more than
③ twice as many as           ④ twice as more as


03. My son's grades have improved, but only ____________.
① in a small amount         ② minimum   
③ very slightly          ④ some


04. Demand for these cars is high, ____________ their high price.
(A) because of   (B) though  
(C) despite    (D) while


05. Reading is to the mind ________ food is to the body.
(A) so    (B) that   (C) what          (D) for


06. Please be advised that we don't simply subtract the beginning date _________ the ending date to count the number of days in paid break.
(A) for        (B) on      (C) of      (D) from


07. According to the contract, __________ deposits must be sent to the general office.
(1) all   (2) all of  (3) mostly   (4) most of all


08. There is no railroad system on Cheju Island, nor _____________ a subway system.
(1) there is not (2) it is   (3) is it  (4) is there


09. 다음 문장 중 문법적으로 올바른 문장을 고르시오.
① I was listening the music.           ② I play violin, but not piano.
③ I told them not to make a noise.   ④ He did not speak loud and clear.


[10~14] 다음 문장 중 문법적으로 틀린 문장을 고르시오.

10. ① Stand as it is on a hill, the apartment commands a fine view.
② Please call me whenever it is convenient for you.
③ Don't read such books as will do you harm.
④ I'd rather you didn't come with me.


11. ① Peking is most densely populated city in the world.
② The man who fixed my car accidentally broke the fan.
③ It is always difficult to make hard decisions.
④ He has driven to work every day since he bought that new car.


12. A. My manager said it was all right to turn in the report late.
B. Sandy beach is no different than Marble Beach when it comes to facilities.
C. Jamie doesn't listen well because he daydreams too much.
D. Jeff was enthusiastic about the letter he received from the office.


13. ① I prefer hamburgers to cheeseburgers.
② John eats dinner now.
③ She hardly ate anything.
④ He has been married for six years.


14. Every ①few years the El Nino current is warmer than normal, causing greater ocean ②warming and consequently ③change the normal ④patterns of sea and surface temperatures.
15. I did not ①stay for the ②entire presentation because it was not ③interested ④for me.    


16. ①After much discussion, the negotiators decided not ②making an offer until ③they ④looked over the contract.
17. ①Try to make no sound, he ②took out the key of the door ③which had not been opened ④for fifteen years.


18. He is outstanding in everything he does, but ①when ②it comes to ③songs, he considers himself ④a failure.


19.  ①For students who have trouble ②make up their mind about a major in college, most schools have ③an undergraduate classification simply ④called "undecided."


20. This is not an ①accidental occurrence, ②because of fish ③are observed to congregate ④around the shrimp.

21. The experts ①insist that Europe ②overcome its own ③divisions and ④becomes a model for regional governance.


22. Each of the Medic Alert bracelets ①worn by millions of Americans who ②suffer from diabetes and drug allergic reactions ③are individually engraved with ④the wearer's name.


23. You should get ①a receipt for each ②purchases ③no matter how small ④it may be.


24. ①Because writing has become ②so important in our culture, we ③sometimes think of it as more real ④as speech.


25. John saw two brown coats ①while he ②was shopping, ③but he could not decide ④among them.


26. Mr. Clark ①always complains ②about the service on Media Airlines, but I find  it no ③worst than that on most ④other airlines.


27. The president said that the economy has ①improved ②greatly ③before he was elected to office ④in March.


28.                      , they would (on average) have done just as well.
(1) Having chosen colleges with lesser nameplates
(2) Had they chosen colleges with lesser nameplates
(3) Choosing colleges with lesser nameplates
(4) To choose colleges with lesser nameplates


29. They believe that if youngsters _____________ the dangers of drugs and addiction, they  would not start to use them.
① have understood   ② understand
③ were to understand   ④ understood


30. Symphonies, string quartets, and ____________ often have a sonata form.
ⓐ long works for instrumental solos 
ⓑ for instrumental solos long works
ⓒ works are long for instrumental solos         
ⓓ instrumental solos have long works


31. The high-quality scanners __________ to gain popularity a few years ago.
① is starting ② starts  ③ started  ④ will start


32. We have only ____________ homework to finish by tomorrow.
1) few   2) a few  3) little  4) a little


33. ___________ do you think of your new house?
① What  ② How  ③ Where  ④ How much


34. He was surprised to read the passage at the end of  ___________ . 
① seven chapter   ② seventh chapter 
③ chapter the seventh  ④ chapter seven


35. The Puerto Rico deep ocean trench is almost                as Venezuela's Angel Falls is high.
(A) ten times much deeper    (B) as ten times deep  
(C) as deep ten times          (D) ten times as deep


공무원 기출문법유형 500제,왕글리쉬 500제,왕글500제,기출공무원문법,문법다운로드,문법문제다운로드,기출문법족보,기출문법문제,기출무료다운,기출문법자료,문법무료자료, 이재훈 기출문법, 공무원문법,경찰문법,경단기,공단기,경시모,구꿈사,공수모,기출문법왕글리쉬,공무원파이널문법,파이널문법,이재훈파이널문법,문법500제, 공무원영어공부,공무원문법공부,

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