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[공무원,경찰 기출어휘] 이재훈 기출어휘문제 총정리 300제(9) - 2013 국가직,지방직,서울시,경찰 대비자료(구꿈사,공수모,경시모)
폼나게 살자 2013. 4. 29. 11:42출처 : 왕글리쉬닷컴(http://wanglish.com)
ㄴ 아래 자료 다운받으시기 전에 윗 손가락을 쿡~~~!!
공무원-경찰 기출어휘문제 300제(9).hwp
공무원-경찰 기출어휘문제 300제(9)정답.hwp
* 이재훈 공무원 기출어휘-숙어 자료 미리보기 *
왕글리쉬 9번째 단어시험
117. To avoid death duty, the man ____________ the greater part of his property to his only son as soon as he retired.
① made up ② made over ③ made out ④ made up for
118. The viability of reclaimed water for indirect potable reuse should be assessed _____________ quantity and reliability of raw water supplies, the quality of reclaimed water, and cost effectiveness.
① regardless of ② with regard to ③ to the detriment of ④ on behalf of
○ At the funeral, family members gave __________ to their emotions and cried openly.○ The result should in no __________ be seen as a defeat for the government.○ European companies are putting their money into Asia in a big __________.
① way ② hand ③ sense ④ view
120. The executives should estimate their debt-to-income ratios to see whether they run the risk of becoming __________________.
① insolvent ② inverted ③ distracted ④ decoded
121. Fast-food franchises have been very successful in the U.S. Part of the appeal is __________. At the major hamburger or chicken franchises, people know what the food is going to taste like, wherever they buy it.
① the profitability ② the predictability ③ the feasibility ④ the sustainability
○ She thought she just had a __________ of flu.○ At university he wrote a bit, did a __________ of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.○ The dishes he produces all have a personal __________.
① touch ② pain ③ symptom ④ case
123. His inaugural address was hilarious. Quite a few people were unable to __________ their laughter.
① cut back ② keep up ③ hold back ④ hold up
124. Do you think this team ______________ winning the championship?
① stands a chance of ② stands by ③ stands for ④ stands up for
125. The dancing bear at the circus was very entertaining. It was able to balance a ball on its nose ________ it was standing on one foot.
① where ② whereas ③ while ④ now that
126. One bacterium that survives keeps replicating because it is not ___________ to the drug treatment.
① curable ② susceptible ③ prosperous ④ reproductive
127. There are two excellent television programs scheduled tonight, but I can see only one of them because they are __________.
① indisputable ② concurrent ③ matchless ④ indispensable
128.The candidate vowed to public schools with new textbooks and cutbacks in taxes but failed to act on either promise once he was elected.
① purchase ② sell ③ address ④ provide
129. All _______________ is a continuous supply of food and water.
① what is needed ② which is needed ③ the things needed ④ that is needed
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