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ㄴ 아래 자료 다운받으시기 전에 윗 손가락을 쿡~~~!! 

공무원-경찰 기출어휘문제 300제(8).hwp공무원-경찰 기출어휘문제 300제(8)정답.hwp

* 이재훈 공무원 기출어휘-숙어 자료 미리보기 * 


왕글리쉬 8번째 단어시험


103. He telephoned me yesterday and said to me, " It is very cloudy here today. "


a) He told me that it was very cloudy there today.

b) He told me that it was very cloudy there yesterday.

c) He told me that it was very cloudy here today.

d) He told me that it was very cloudy here yesterday.



104. As a rule, catfish live in freshwater lakes, ponds ,or streams.


a) Currently b) Fortunately

c) Generally d) Surprisingly



105. She was badly brought up.


a) was unhappy b) was spoiled

c) was too selfish d) was too proud of herself



106. I am on speaking terms with her.


a) He know a great deal of scientific terms.

b) She has been on good terms with my brother.

c) He spoke of my work in terms of praise.

d) He got good marks in the first terms.

e) He contributed to the economic growth during his terms of office.


107. I was not a little surprised.


a) I was not surprised at all.

b) I was not a bit surprised.

c) I was nothing but surprised.

d) I was anything but surprised.

e) I was very surprised.



108. He looks so foolish that we cannot help laughing at him. =He looks ________________.


a) assortment b) serious

c) ridiculous d) profound

e) devious



109. With the (process) of evolution, man broke in some cattle to labor.


raised beat

fed interfered




110. I'm addicted to chocolate.


I don't like chocolate.

I very often eat chocolate.

I have an abhorrence of chocolate.

I'm nauseated by the smell of chocolate.



111. She took in the whole situation at one glance.


a) Don't be taken in by a smooth talker.

b) The old lady offered to take in the poor stranger.

c) They listened to my lecture, but how much did they take in, I wonder ?

d) The British Empire once took in a quarter of the world.



112. A _____________ gene is one that produces a particular characteristic regardless of whether a person has only one of these genes from one parent, or two of them.


recessive dominant

proficient turbulent



113. The government is now trying to ______________ the uprising with the help of some outside forces.


put down drop by

fill up abide by



114. The newly appointed minister said, “No development can at the cost of people's rights because it is basic and fundamental. So any development will have to first the people's rights.”


take place take after

take place take care of

take down take care of

take down take after


115. It is more difficult for a ____________ smoker to give up the habit than for a novice, but it can be done.


heedless disciplined

confirmed covert

[2012.하반기 지방직]

116. Americans already lost millions of dollars when the stock market _____________, and that was even before the general financial crisis started.


took a nosedive hit the ceiling

came in handy stood on their own feet

[2012.하반기 지방직]



기출어휘집,공무원기출어휘,공무원기출어휘집,공무원기출어휘3500,기출어휘3500제,3500제,편입기출어휘문제,경찰기출어휘문제,공무원기출어휘문제,공무원기출어휘3500제,경찰공무원 기출300제,이재훈기출어휘문제,이재훈보카바이블,보카바이블,이재훈어휘집,이재훈3500제,기출어휘문제,어휘문제자료,단어문제모음집,기출어휘모음,기출어휘문제모음,단어문제만자료,단어문제자료,어휘무료자료,왕글리쉬,이재훈왕글리쉬,왕글리쉬자료,이재훈왕글자료,왕글샘,토플기출어휘,


- 보카바이블 표제어 공부하기 전 필수강좌 -> 이재훈 저자직강 꼭지북 동영상 강의 1강 풀공개(왕글리쉬닷컴)

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- 보카바이블 뉴에디션 표제어 775 이재훈 저자직강 무료mp3강의 : 

- 보카바이블 뉴에디션 표제어 775 파일로 다운받기 : 

* 대한민국 영어 왕초보 7일만에 탈출하기 프로젝트! 참여하세요!! (아래 배너 클릭)



* 이재훈 공무원 영어칼럼 추천 글 *

- 공무원 영어정복 첫 걸음 영어기출부터 분석하라! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/394

- 공무원 영단어 무작정 암기하지 마라!(공부법) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/329

- 공무원 영어고득점의 시작 영문법 기초정복(노하우) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/17

- 공무원 영어고득점의 관건 영어독해 공부법(기초편) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/392


* 이재훈 공무원 영어강의 파트별 정리 *

- 공무원 왕초보영문법 8품사부터 제대로 공부하라!!  - http://wanglish.tistory.com/3

- 공무원 왕초보영단어 어원으로 공부하라!! - http://wanglish.tistory.com/247

- 공무원 보카바이블 표제어 775 저자직강 Mp3 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/201

- 공무원 기초인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기초영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/20

- 공무원 기본인강 No.1 - 이재훈 맨투맨 기본영어 1강 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/180

- 공무원 기출문법 OX 총정리 이론강의 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/8

- 공무원 영문법 최종정리 관계대명사를 정복하라 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/9

- 공무원 기초독해 공부법 & 노하우 공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/44

- 공무원 영어고득점 합격수기(맨투맨의 위력) - http://wanglish.tistory.com/90

- 공무원/경찰 영어 최단기 고득점 노하우 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/678

- 공무원/경찰영어 영어까막눈에서 영어고득점까지 공부과정(2년) 풀공개 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/746


* 이재훈 공무원 영어강의 파트별 정리 *

- 공무원 영어기출 년도별 문제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/285
- 공무원 영어기출 30년(1985~2013) 통파일 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/720
- 초등영어단어 800제(교육부제시) 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/424
- 중학교단어 1700제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/428
- 고교(수능)단어 3600제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/433
- 공무원/경찰/편입 기출어휘집 최신판 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/389
- 공무원/경찰/편입 기출어휘족보 3500제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/388

- 공무원/경찰 기출어휘-숙어 총정리 300제 다운로드 - http://wanglish.tistory.com/747


* 이재훈 왕글리쉬닷컴 필수공지사항 *

1) [과외] 공무원 왕초보까막눈 대상 고득점(80점 이상)보장 소수정예 그룹과외
- http://wanglish.tistory.com/730 (노량진/강남/건대입구/부평/부산)
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