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[공무원,경찰 기출어휘] 기출어휘문제 총정리 300제(10) - 2013 국가직,지방직,서울시,경찰 대비자료(구꿈사,공수모,경시모 왕글리쉬 무료배포)
폼나게 살자 2013. 6. 18. 16:25출처 : 왕글리쉬닷컴(http://wanglish.com)
* 이재훈 공무원 기출어휘-숙어 자료 미리보기 *
왕글리쉬 10번째 단어시험
130. ◦ to see and notice : Did you__________ anything unusual in his behavior?
◦ to act in accordance with (law, custom, etc.) : You should _________ speed limit while driving.
◦ to make a remark; say : "That's odd," he __________d.
① reserve ② advance
③ observe ④ receive
131. ◦ Is there any for me in the car?
◦ The greater one's love for a person, the less for flattery.
◦ Demand is 30% higher than production, so we have a lot of to expand.
① room ② space
③ supply ④ affection
[2007.하반기 법원직]
132. If he didn't have the in the decision making, it would be impossible to draw any conclusion.
① initiative ② antipathy
③ malignancy ④ reluctance
133. The whirlwinds of will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
① repose ② revolt
③ inscription ④ vision
134. 가. I am to understand that she has been faithful
to her husband.
나. He is to drinking rather heavily.
다. I believe that such a man, average good fortune, may achieve his happiness.
① provided ② done
③ made ④ given
135. He _________ his fine secretary by leaving all the work to her and doing nothing himself ; I wouldn't put up with him.
① loses track of ② takes a stand on
③ make a point of ④ takes advantage of
136. A : Finding a stranger on our doorstep startled me, but the ________ expression on his face told me not to worry.
B : In his usual __________ manner, my neighbor carefully picked up the ant in his kitchen, brought it outside, and gently put it down on the sidewalk
① benign ② arrogant
③ lucrative ④ mandatory
137. Medieval kingdoms did not become constitutional republics overnight; on the contrary, the change was .
① unpopular ② unexpected
② sufficient ④ gradual
138. A few days later, it was Cedric’s eighth birthday, and there was a big party at the castle. All the Earl’s relatives were present. So _____ the people of Earl’s Court, including Mr. Higgins and his family.
① did ② had
④ would ④ were
139. * She was willing to _____ me through to the man in charge.
* The boy took the radio apart but he was not able to it together again.
* I can’t up with his rude actions any longer.
* They tried to up several new buildings in that block.
① take ② put
③ make ④ get
140. is the revealing of the truth about a situation or person, especially when it involves dishonesty or shocking behavior.
① Tax ② Exposure ③ Stock
④ Tiredness ⑤ Census
141. A : Can you _______ with this desk ? I want to move it. B : Sure. Where are you going to put it ?
a) put up b) give a ring
c) give a ride d) give me a hand
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