[공무원,경찰 기출어휘] 기출어휘문제 총정리 300제(10) - 2013 국가직,지방직,서울시,경찰 대비자료(구꿈사,공수모,경시모 왕글리쉬 무료배포)
출처 : 왕글리쉬닷컴(http://wanglish.com) * 이재훈 공무원 기출어휘-숙어 자료 미리보기 * 왕글리쉬 10번째 단어시험 130. ◦ to see and notice : Did you__________ anything unusual in his behavior?◦ to act in accordance with (law, custom, etc.) : You should _________ speed limit while driving.◦ to make a remark; say : "That's odd," he __________d. ① reserve ② advance ③ observe ④ receive[2007.법원직] ..
2013. 6. 18. 16:25