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왕글리쉬닷컴 공무원영어 고득점 받는 노하우 칼럼 시리즈 *

0) 공무원영어 최단기간(6개월내) 고득점(80점이상) 받는 법 - 프롤로그(http://wanglish.tistory.com/788)

1) 공무원영어 최단기간(6개월내) 고득점(80점이상) 받는 법 - 커리큘럼편(http://wanglish.tistory.com/789)

2) 공무원영어 최단기간(6개월내) 고득점(80점이상) 받는 법 - 어휘공부편(http://wanglish.tistory.com/790)

3) 공무원영어 최단기간(6개월내) 고득점(80점이상) 받는 법 - 문법공부편(http://wanglish.tistory.com/791)

4) 공무원영어 최단기간(6개월내) 고득점(80점이상) 받는 법 - 독해공부편(http://wanglish.tistory.com/792)


 공무원영어 고득점보장 소수정예 그룹과외 - http://wanglish.com/gnu/bbs/board.php?bo_table=notice&wr_id=2433 






공무원영어 해설 퀄리티 1위


2013년 왕글리쉬 보카바이블저자 맨투맨 이재훈샘의 정답 및 해설 곧 업데이트예정!!!



※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [1~2]

1. Given our awesome capacities for rationalization and self-deception, most of us are going to measure ourselves __________ : I was honest with that blind passenger because I'm a wonder person. I cheated the sighted one because she probably has too much money anyway.

① harshly                                                ② leniently

③ honestly                                              ④ thankfully

[해설] 우리가 합리화(rationalization)와 자기기만(=self-deception)에 대한 엄청난 능력을 가지고 있다는 것, 즉 자기합리화와 자기기만을 잘 한다는 것은 우리 자신을 leniently[관대하게, 인자하게]하게 본다는 것이다. 콜론 이후의 두 번째 문장은 앞 문장의 전제된 내용을 보충하고 있다.

[출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[단어편] 290페이지]

[정답] ②



2. Visaokay assists the Australian travel industry, corporations and government, and individuals by ____________the entire visa advice and visa issuance process. Visaokay minimizes the complexity and time delays associated with applying for and obtaining travel visas.

① appreciating                                         ② aggravating

③ meditating                                           ④ facilitating

[해설] 목적어인 the entire visa advice and visa issuance process [비자에 대한 조언과 발급 절차]와 호응할 수 있는 단어는 facilitate(~을 용이하게 하다)가 유일하다.

(by facilitating the entire visa advice and visa issuance process 비자에 대한 조언과 발급 절차를 용이하게 함으로서) 

[출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[단어편] 208, 550페이지]

[정답] ④



※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오 [3~4]


Tom : Frankly, I don't think my new boss knows what he is doing.

Jack : He is young, Tom. You have to give him a chance

Tom : How many chances do I have to give him He's actually doing terribly.

Jack : ____________________________________________.

Tom : What? Where?

Jack : Over there. Your new boss just around the coner.

① Speak of the devil                                 ② I wish you good luck

③ Keep up the good work                          ④ Money makes the mare go

[해설] 빈칸 다음의 Tom과 Jack의 대화에서 답을 쉽게 유추할 수 있다. 새로 온 상사에 대한 뒷담화를 하던 중(빈칸 앞내용); 마침 그(새로운 상사)가 시야에 포착 되었을 때 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 표현은 Speak of the devil. (호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다더니.)이다. 

[정답] ① Speak of the devil. (호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다더니.)




A: Look at this letter.

B: Ah yes, I thought it was something official looking.

You're being fined for exceeding the speed limit, it says.

Why weren't you fined on the spot?

A: _______________________________________________

B: They're installing more and more of them around here.

You're going to have to b more careful in future.

A: You're not kidding. The fine is $60.

① Because the spot was to busy to be fined

② Because I could not find any camera to take it

③ Because I already paid for it when I was fiend

④ Because I was photographed by one of speed cameras

[해설] (현장에서 벌금을 물지 않은 이유(스티커 발부를 받지 않은) 이유에 대해 묻는) 빈칸 바로 앞 문장에 정답의 단서가 있다. 과속 단속 카메라에 찍혔기 때문에(Because I was photographed by one of speed cameras) 나중에 벌금고지서가 날라 온 상황임을 알 수 있다.

[정답] ④




5. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?

Noise pollution ① is different from other forms of pollution in ② a number of ways. Noise is transient: once the pollution stops, the environment is free of it. This is not the case with air pollution, for example. We can measure the amount of chemicals ③ introduced into the air, ④ whereas is extremely difficult to monitor cumulative exposure to noise.

[해설] ④ whereas는 접속사이다. 뒤의 to 부정사(진주어)와 호응하는 가주어 it이 필요하다.

[정답] whereas is ⇒ whereas it is



6. 어법상 옳은 것은?

① Few living things are linked together as intimately than bees and flowers.

② My father would not company us to the place where they were staying, but insisted on me going.

③ The situation in Iraq looked so serious that it seemed as if the Third World War might break out at any time.

④ According to a recent report, the number of sugar that Americans consume does not vary significantly from year to year.

[해설] ① 앞에 원급비교의 부사 as가 왔으므로 뒤에 따르는 접속사는 than이 아닌 as가 와야 한다.

② [③번 문장이 어법적으로 완벽하게 올바른 문장이므로 정답은 분명 ③번으로 갈 것이나] 많은 아쉬움이 남는 ②번 선택지다. 그래도 출제자의 어설픈 오답 유도 의지를 억지로나마 파악해 본다면, company는 사전적으로는 동사 accompany의 뜻이 있기는 하나 상용되지 않는 동사 표현으로 그들이 보았을 것이며(아니면 아예 company에 동사적 쓰임이 없을 것이라고 단정 지었는지도 모를 일이다). 두 번째로 의심할 수 있는 경우는 on me going 부분인데, 구어체[비격식체](informal)에서는 목적격의 의미상 주어 사용이 자유롭지만 (오히려 목적격의 쓰임이 늘어나는 추세) 동명사의 의미상 주어는 인칭대명사의 경우 소유격이 원칙이라는 고답적 자세로 이 문장을 오류문장으로 취급했을 확률이 높다. (그러나 늘 강조하는 말이지만 공무원 영어시험은 객관식 시험이므로, 그 특성상 상대적으로 더 올바른 선택항을 골라야 하는 절대적 전제를 잊어서는 안 될 것이다.)

④ sugar는 불가산명사이므로 가산명사와 호응하는 number를 양을 나타내는 amount로 고쳐야 한다.

[정답] ③



7. 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① 그들이 10년간 살았던 집이 폭풍에 심하게 손상되었다.

The house which they have lived for 10 years badly damaged by the storm.

② 수학 시험에 실패했을 때에서야 그는 공부를 열심히 하기로 결심했다.

It was not until when he failed the match test that he decided to study hard.

③ 냉장고에 먹을 것이 하나도 남아있지 않아서, 어젯밤에 우리는 외식을 해야 했다.

We had nothing to eat left in the refrigerator, we had to eat out last night.

④ 우리는 운이 좋게도 그랜드캐넌을 방문했는데, 거기에는 경치가 아름다운 곳이 많다.

We were enough fortunate to visit the Grand Canyon, that has much beautiful landscape.

[해설] ① *첫 번째 오답 이유: 수동태문장이므로 damaged 앞에 be 동사 was가 필요하다. *두 번째 오답 이유: 불완전한 절을 이끄는 관계대명사 which 이하의 형용사절이 완전하다. 선행사가 장소명사(the house)이므로 which를 관계부사 where로 고치거나 in which로 고친다.

③ *첫 번째 오답 이유: 두 개의 절이 접속사 없이 연결 될 수 없다. we 앞에 등위접속사 so가 들어가야 온전한 문장이 된다. *두 번째 오답 이유: 명사를 수식할 때 단어가 우선하고 그 뒤에 구가 온다. nothing to eat left를 nothing left to eat으로 고치는 것이 적절하다.

④ *첫 번째 오답 이유: enough는 부사로 쓰일 때 형용사나 다른 부사를 후치 수식한다. enough fortunate을 fortunate enough로 고친다. *두 번째 오답 이유: 관계대명사 that은 계속적용법에 쓰일 수 없다. that을 which로 고친다.

[정답] ②



8. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은?

① 나이가 들어가면 들어갈수록 그만큼 더 외국어 공부하기가 어려워진다.

The older you grow, the more difficult it becomes to learn a foreign language.

② 우리가가지고 있는 학식이란 기껏해야 우리가 모르고 있는 것과 비교할 때 지극히 작은 것이다.

The learning and knowledge that we have is at the least but little compared with that of which we are ignorant.

③ 인생의 비밀은 좋아하는 것을 하는 것이 아니라 해야 할 것을 좋아하도록 시도하는 것이다.

The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to lie what one has to do.

④ 이 세상에서 당신이 소유하고 있는 것은 당신이 죽을 때 다른 누군가에게 가지만, 당신의 인격은 영원히 당신의 것일 것이다.

What you possess in this world will go to someone else when you die, but your personality will be yours forever.

[해설] ② “기껏해야”는 at the least(적어도)가 아니라 at (the) most이다.

[정답] ②


9. 밑줄 친 표현과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은?

We need to iron out a few problems first.

① conceive                                                 ② review

③ solve                                                      ④ pose

[해설] iron out: "[옷 등의] [주름을] 다리미질하여(iron) 완전히(out) 펴다[없애다]"의 기본의미를 가진 iron out은 2차적 파생의미로 ‘(문제를) 없애다[바로잡다], 해결하다(=solve)"를 갖는다.

* iron out; [본래의미: 완전히(out) 다림질을 하다(iron))

문제를 해결하다(hammer out, solve, resolve); 다림질 하다

ex.] Let's iron out major issues first. (중요한 문제를 먼저 해결합시다.)

[출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[숙어편] 247페이지]

[정답] ③



10. 밑줄 친 ㉠과 ㉡에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?

○ In Korea, the eldest son tends to ㉠ a lot of responsibility.

○ The same words  different meaning when said in different ways.

① take over                                                  ② take down

③ take on                                                    ④ take off

[해설] * take on: [본래의미 ~의 모습[태도]을 취하다]

(일, 역할을) 떠맡다(하다)(undertake); ~을 띠다, 가장하다(assume), ~를 고용하다(employ), 흥분하다(become excited), ~를 상대로 하여 싸우다(contend against); 인기를 얻다(catch on)

ex.) Jerry wouldn't take on any extra work. (Jerry는 어떤 일도 추가로 맡으려 하지 않았다.)

His face took on a look of despair. (그의 얼굴은 절망의 빛(기색)을 띠고 있었다.

He was taken on as a partner in the law firm. (그는 법률 사무소의 공동 출자자로서 일하게 되었다.)

The performance took on among young people. (그 공연은 젊은이들 사이에 인기가 있었다.)

[출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[숙어편] 140페이지]

[정답] ③




※ 주어진 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [11-12]

11. The space shuttle Challenger had just taken off for its tenth flight in January 1986 when it exploded in the air and killed all seven people inside. Millions of people around the world were watching the liftoff because schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe was on board. McAuliffe, who had been chosen to be the first teacher in space, was planning to broadcast lessons directly to schools from the shuttle's orbit around Earth. This Challenger disaster led NASA to stop all space shuttle missions for nearly three years while they looked for the cause of the explosion and fixed the problem. They soon discovered that the shuttle had a faulty seal on one of the rocket boosters. Unfortunately, the teacher-in-space program was indefinitely put on hold. So were NASA's plans to send musicians, journalists, and artists to space.

① Schoolteacher Christa McAuliff's pioneering participation in the space program

② The reason why the Americian space program was put on hold

③ The importance of the space research and training of astronauts

④ A satire of the unsuccessful or tragic space missions

[해설] Challenger호의 폭발이 지문의 주된 테마이다. 그 폭발로 우주탐사가 중단된 상황을 설명하는 지문이므로 ②번이 주제로 가장 적절하다.

[정답] ②



12. A team of researchers has found that immunizing patients with bee venom instead of with the bee's crushed bodies can better prevent serious and sometimes fatal sting reactions in the more than one million Americans who are hypersensitive to bee stings. The crushed-body treatment has been standard for fifty years, but a report released recently said that it was ineffective. The serum made from the crushed bodies of bees produced more adverse reactions than the injections of the venom did. The research compared results of the rushed-body treatment with results of immunotherapy that used insect venom and also with results of a placebo. After six to ten weeks of immunization, allergic reactions to stings occurred in seven of twelve patients treated with the placebo, seven of twelve treated with crushed-body extract, and one of eighteen treated with the venom.

① A new treatment for people allergic to bee stings

② A more effective method of preventing bee stings

③ The use of placebos in treating hypersensitive patients

④ Bee venom causing fatal reactions in hypersenitive patients

[해설] 지문 내용을 자칫 잘못 이해하면 ②번으로 오답이 가는 함정 문제이다. 지문 어디에도 벌에 쏘이는 것을 예방한다는 내용은 언급된 바 없다. bee venom(벌침 독)치료가 벌에 쏘인 사람이 일으키는 알러지에 더 효과가 있다는 내용이므로 ①번이 지문의 주제로 가장 적절하다.

[정답] ①



※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [13-15]

13. It can sometimes feel as if South Korea, overworked, overstressed and ever anxious, is ______________________ a national nervous breakdown, with a rising divorce rate, students who feel suffocated b academic pressures, a suicide rate among the highest in the world and a macho corporate culture that still encourages blackout drinking sessions after work. More than 30 Koreans kill themselves everyday, and the suicides of entertainers, politicians, athletes and business leaders have become almost commonplace.

① by virtue of                                                  ② as opposed to

③ in favor of                                                    ④ on the verge of

[해설] 부정적인 한국의 상황을 보여주는 빈칸 앞이나, 높은 이혼률, 세상에서 가장 높은 자살률 등 을 보여주는 빈칸 다음의 with 이하 내용이 모두 부정적인 의미로 점철되어 있다. 그러므로 “국가적인 신경쇠약이 오기 직전‘이라는 표현하는 on the verge of가 빈칸에 가장 적절하다.

[정답] ④



14. Strategic thinking can make a positive impact on any area of life. The first step in strategic thinking is to ________________________________ so that you can focus on it more effectively. That's what automotive innovator Henry Ford did when he created the assembly line, and that's why he said, "Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." He also said, '' Only one person in a million can juggle the whole things at the same time and think strategically to create solid, valid plan" He is well known for his habit of splitting tasks. Right before the beginning of each weekday, he would think about daily issue, prioritizing the issues for the weekday. He made s rule to deal with issue only allotted for the day.

① make a habit taking notes

② break down an issue smaller

③ deal with daily tasks without delay

④ think twice before setting to a work

[해설] Henry Ford의 말을 인용한 "Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." He is well known for his habit of splitting tasks.에서 정답의 단서를 쉽게 찾을 수 있다.

[정답] ②



15. You as the parent must try to read their crying to be able to help them. This will also help you assess your children's perception oft your discipline. In many cases, when a child feels that he has been punished wrongly, it is more difficult to console him. He cried pathetically, , when a child feels guilty and he is not punished or assured of forgiveness, he is fell insecure and timid. In such a case when punished they may cry but quickly compose themselves and seek to attract love from the parent. Children usually want the crisp and clean punishment followed by fellowship rather than living with uncertainty.

① As a result                                                           ② For example

③ In other words                                                      ④ On the other hand

[해설] 빈칸을 전후로 부모의 자녀 훈육에 대한 서로 상반적인 내용이 나오고 있으므로 대조의 연결어 on the other hand가 필요하다.

[정답] ④



16. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Year after year, a survey sponsored by Scotland's Centre for European Labour Market Research finds the same thing: If you want to be happy in life, be happy in your job. Okay, but what will make me happy in my job? Some researchers at the University of British columbia in Canada have come up with an interesting way quantifying the seemingly unquantifiable.

(A) for example, trust in management - by far the biggest component of job satisfaction - is worth as much in your overall happiness as a very substantial raise.

Say you get a new boss and your trust in your workplace's management goes up a bit

(B) By analyzing life-satisfaction surveys that consider four key factors in job satisfaction, they have figured out how much each is worth when compared with salary increases.

(C) Even that small increase in trust is like getting a thirty six percent pay raise, the researchers calculate.

In other words, that will boost your level of overall satisfaction in life b about the same amount as a thirty six percent raise would.

① (A) - (B) - (C)                                           ② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (C) - (A) - (B)                                           ④ (C) - (B) - (A)

[해설] 문장 순서문제를 푸는 가장 빠른 요령은 우선 서로 밀접하게 의미가 연결되어 있는 두 개의 문장을 신속하게 찾아내는데 있다. 이 문제도 예외는 아닌데, 우선 (A)의 말미에 나오는 “goes up"이 (C)의 ”small increase"와 자연스러운 의미 연결을 가지므로 (A)와 (C)의 순서를 파악할 수 있는데 이를 충족시키는 선택지는 ②번 밖에 없음을 알 수 있다. 이후에 (B)번을 선두에 넣어 해석을 해 보면 전체적으로 완성된 지문 내용을 파악할 수 있다.

[정답] ②





17. 다음 글을 요약한 문장에서 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?

Look at the following list of numbers: 4, 8, 5, 3, 9, 7, 6 Read them out loud and memorize that sequence. If you speak English, you have about a 50 percent chance of remembering that perfectly. If you're Chinese, though, you're almost certain to get it right every time. This is because pronouncing them in Chinese takes shorter time. In addition, the number-naming systems are in Western and Asian languages, In English, for example, they say fourteen and sixteen, so one might expect that they would also say oneteen and twoteen. But they don't. THe number system in English is irregular. In contrast, Asians have logical counting systems. Those differences mean that Asian children learn to count mush faster and perform basic functions better than Western children.

Being good at ㉠ may be rooted in the different ㉡ systems.

             ㉠                               ㉡

① pronunciations                    counting

② mathematics                       language

③ languages                          name

④ logic                                 culture

[해설] 숫자를 읽는데 있어 아시아의 언어 체계가 서양의 그것보다 우수하다는 내용을 담고 있으므로 ②번이 가장 적절한 답이다.

[정답] ②



18. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Last one night, Catherine Ryan Hyde was driving in Los Angeles. In a dangerous neighborhood, her car caught on fire. She got out. Three men ran toward her. She immediately felt afraid of them. They didn't hurt her, though. They put out the fire and called the fire department. When she turned to thank them, they were gone. Years later, that event became the subject of her novel called Pay It Forward. She never forgot that event. In the book, a teacher asks his students to "think of an idea for world change and put it into action." A boy named Trevor suggested doing kind acts for others. They used his ideas. Trevor's idea works like this. Someone chooses three people and does something nice for each one. In return, the recipients of that favor must do favors for three more people. In 2000, the novel inspired a movie.

① The Kindness of Strangers

② A Trauma in Early Childhood

③ A Movie which influences Real Life

④ An Unintended Violation of Someone's Idea

[해설] 한 여인이 위험에 처하자 낯선 사람들이 나타나서 도왔다는 내용을 시작으로 지문이 시작되고 있으며 거기에 감화를 받은 그 여인이 그 사건을 토대로 책을 썼고 그 이후에 영화로까지 만들어졌다는 평이한 내용의 지문이다.

[정답] ①



19. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

It's long been part of folk wisdom that birth order strongly affects personality, intelligence and achievement. However, most of the research claiming that firstborns are radically different from other children has been discredited, and it now seems that any effects of birth order on intelligence or personality will likely be washed out by all the other influences in a person's life. In fact, the belief in the permanent impact of birth order, according to Toni Falbo, a social psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, comes from the psychological theory that your personality is fixed by the time you're six. That assumption simply is incorrect. The better, later and larger studies are less likely to find birth order a useful predictor of anything. When two Swiss social scientists, Cecile Emst and Jules Angst, reviewed 1,500 studies a few years ago they concluded that "birth order differences in personality are nonexistent in our sample. In particular, there is no evidence for a firstborn personality."

① A firstborn child is kind to other people.

② Birth order influences a person's intelligence.

③ An elder brother's personality is different from that of his younger brother.

④ Birth order has nothing to do with personality.

[해설] “출생 순서가 성격, 지능 그리고 성취에 강한 영향력을 미친다는 것이 대중적인 지혜의 오랜 부분이었다는” 통념 반박을 암시하는 첫 번째 문장에서 답을 빠르게 예측할 수 있으며 마지막 문장인 "birth order differences in personality are nonexistent in our sample의 내용에서도 지문의 요지가 분명히 드러난다.

[정답] ④



20. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것은?

He knew, though, he would never become and Olympic runner, so he looked for other sports that he could play.

Many people have faced great obstacles in their lives but have found ways to overcome and actually benefit from these obstacles. For example, Greg Barton, the 1984, 1988, and 1992 U.S. Olympic medalist in kayaking, was born with a serious disability. ( A ) He had deformed feet, his toes pointed inward, and as a result, he could not walk easily. Even after a series of operations, he still had limited mobility. ( B ) Even so, Greg was never defeated. First, he taught himself to walk, and even to run. Then, he competed in his high school running them. ( C ) Happily, he discovered kayaking, a perfect sport for him because it required minimal leg and foot muscles. Using his upper body strength, he was able to master the sport. ( D ) Finally, after many years of training and perseverance, Greg made the 1984 Olympic team.

① A                                   ② B                                    ③ C                                     ④ D

[해설] 그는 고등학교 육상팀 에서 경쟁했다. ⇒ (C) *(주어진 문장) 그러나 그는 결코 올림픽 육상 선수가 될 수 없음을 알았다. 그래서 자신이 할 수 있는 다른 종목의 운동을 찾았다. ⇒ 그의 신체적 상황에 딱 맞는 카약을 발견했다.

[정답] ③

*자세한 해설과 동영상 강의는 9꿈사닷컴과 왕글리쉬닷컴에서 곧 이루어집니다. 많은 기대 부탁드립니다.

- 공무원영어시험에 꼭 필요한 무료자료가 무진장한 왕글리쉬닷컴에 수험생 여러분을 초대해 봅니다^^!!!

[클릭해 보세요 ⇒ www.wanglish.com ]




※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [1~2]

1. Visaokay assists the Australian travel industry, corporations and government, and individuals by ____________the entire visa advice and visa issuance process. Visaokay minimizes the complexity and time delays associated with applying for and obtaining travel visas.

① appreciating                                                          ② aggravating

③ meditating                                                            ④ facilitating

[해설] 목적어인 the entire visa advice and visa issuance process [비자에 대한 조언과 발급 절차]와 호응할 수 있는 단어는 facilitate(~을 용이하게 하다)가 유일하다.

(by facilitating the entire visa advice and visa issuance process 비자에 대한 조언과 발급 절차를 용이하게 함으로서) 

[출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[단어편] 208, 550페이지]

[정답] ④



2. Given our awesome capacities for rationalization and self-deception, most of us are going to measure ourselves __________ : I was honest with that blind passenger because I'm a wonder person. I cheated the sighted one because she probably has too much money anyway.

① harshly                                                                  ② leniently

③ honestly                                                                 ④ thankfully

[해설] 우리가 합리화(rationalization)와 자기기만(=self-deception)에 대한 엄청난 능력을 가지고 있다는 것, 즉 자기합리화와 자기기만을 잘 한다는 것은 우리 자신을 leniently[관대하게, 인자하게]하게 본다는 것이다. 콜론 이후의 두 번째 문장은 앞 문장의 전제된 내용을 보충하고 있다. [출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[단어편] 290페이지]

[정답] ②




※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오 [3~4]


A: Look at this letter.

B: Ah yes, I thought it was something official looking.

You're being fined for exceeding the speed limit, it says.

Why weren't you fined on the spot?

A: _______________________________________________

B: They're installing more and more of them around here.

You're going to have to b more careful in future.

A: You're not kidding. The fine is $60.

① Because the spot was to busy to be fined

② Because I could not find any camera to take it

③ Because I already paid for it when I was fiend

④ Because I was photographed by one of speed cameras

[해설] (현장에서 벌금을 물지 않은 이유(스티커 발부를 받지 않은) 이유에 대해 묻는) 빈칸 바로 앞 문장에 정답의 단서가 있다. 과속 단속 카메라에 찍혔기 때문에(Because I was photographed by one of speed cameras) 나중에 벌금고지서가 날라 온 상황임을 알 수 있다.

[정답] ④




Tom : Frankly, I don't think my new boss knows what he is doing.

Jack : He is young, Tom. You have to give him a chance

Tom : How many chances do I have to give him He's actually doing terribly.

Jack : ____________________________________________.

Tom : What? Where?

Jack : Over there. Your new boss just around the coner.

① Speak of the devil                                    ② I wish you good luck

③ Keep up the good work                             ④ Money makes the mare go

[해설] 빈칸 다음의 Tom과 Jack의 대화에서 답을 쉽게 유추할 수 있다. 새로 온 상사에 대한 뒷담화를 하던 중(빈칸 앞내용); 마침 그(새로운 상사)가 시야에 포착 되었을 때 할 수 있는 가장 적절한 표현은 Speak of the devil. (호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다더니.)이다. 

[정답] ① Speak of the devil. (호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다더니.)



5. 어법상 옳은 것은?

① Few living things are linked together as intimately than bees and flowers.

② My father would not company us to the place where they were staying, but insisted on me going.

③ The situation in Iraq looked so serious that it seemed as if the Third World War might break out at any time.

④ According to a recent report, the number of sugar that Americans consume does not vary significantly from year to year.

[해설] ① 앞에 원급비교의 부사 as가 왔으므로 뒤에 따르는 접속사는 than이 아닌 as가 와야 한다.

② [③번 문장이 어법적으로 완벽하게 올바른 문장이므로 정답은 분명 ③번으로 갈 것이나] 많은 아쉬움이 남는 ②번 선택지다. 그래도 출제자의 어설픈 오답 유도 의지를 억지로나마 파악해 본다면, company는 사전적으로는 동사 accompany의 뜻이 있기는 하나 상용되지 않는 동사 표현으로 그들이 보았을 것이며(아니면 아예 company에 동사적 쓰임이 없을 것이라고 단정 지었는지도 모를 일이다). 두 번째로 의심할 수 있는 경우는 on me going 부분인데, 구어체[비격식체](informal)에서는 목적격의 의미상 주어 사용이 자유롭지만 (오히려 목적격의 쓰임이 늘어나는 추세) 동명사의 의미상 주어는 인칭대명사의 경우 소유격이 원칙이라는 고답적 자세로 이 문장을 오류문장으로 취급했을 확률이 높다. (그러나 늘 강조하는 말이지만 공무원 영어시험은 객관식 시험이므로, 그 특성상 상대적으로 더 올바른 선택항을 골라야 하는 절대적 전제를 잊어서는 안 될 것이다.)

④ sugar는 불가산명사이므로 가산명사와 호응하는 number를 양을 나타내는 amount로 고쳐야 한다.

[정답] ③



6. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?

Noise pollution ① is different from other forms of pollution in ② a number of ways. Noise is transient: once the pollution stops, the environment is free of it. This is not the case with air pollution, for example. We can measure the amount of chemicals ③ introduced into the air, ④ whereas is extremely difficult to monitor cumulative exposure to noise.

[해설] ④ whereas는 접속사이다. 뒤의 to 부정사(진주어)와 호응하는 가주어 it이 필요하다.

[정답] whereas is ⇒ whereas it is



7. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은?

① 나이가 들어가면 들어갈수록 그만큼 더 외국어 공부하기가 어려워진다.

The older you grow, the more difficult it becomes to learn a foreign language.

② 우리가가지고 있는 학식이란 기껏해야 우리가 모르고 있는 것과 비교할 때 지극히 작은 것이다.

The learning and knowledge that we have is at the least but little compared with that of which we are ignorant.

③ 인생의 비밀은 좋아하는 것을 하는 것이 아니라 해야 할 것을 좋아하도록 시도하는 것이다.

The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to lie what one has to do.

④ 이 세상에서 당신이 소유하고 있는 것은 당신이 죽을 때 다른 누군가에게 가지만, 당신의 인격은 영원히 당신의 것일 것이다.

What you possess in this world will go to someone else when you die, but your personality will be yours forever.

[해설] ② “기껏해야”는 at the least(적어도)가 아니라 at (the) most이다.

[정답] ②



8. 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① 그들이 10년간 살았던 집이 폭풍에 심하게 손상되었다.

The house which they have lived for 10 years badly damaged by the storm.

② 수학 시험에 실패했을 때에서야 그는 공부를 열심히 하기로 결심했다.

It was not until when he failed the match test that he decided to study hard.

③ 냉장고에 먹을 것이 하나도 남아있지 않아서, 어젯밤에 우리는 외식을 해야 했다.

We had nothing to eat left in the refrigerator, we had to eat out last night.

④ 우리는 운이 좋게도 그랜드캐넌을 방문했는데, 거기에는 경치가 아름다운 곳이 많다.

We were enough fortunate to visit the Grand Canyon, that has much beautiful landscape.

[해설] ① *첫 번째 오답 이유: 수동태문장이므로 damaged 앞에 be 동사 was가 필요하다. *두 번째 오답 이유: 불완전한 절을 이끄는 관계대명사 which 이하의 형용사절이 완전하다. 선행사가 장소명사(the house)이므로 which를 관계부사 where로 고치거나 in which로 고친다.

③ *첫 번째 오답 이유: 두 개의 절이 접속사 없이 연결 될 수 없다. we 앞에 등위접속사 so가 들어가야 온전한 문장이 된다. *두 번째 오답 이유: 명사를 수식할 때 단어가 우선하고 그 뒤에 구가 온다. nothing to eat left를 nothing left to eat으로 고치는 것이 적절하다.

④ *첫 번째 오답 이유: enough는 부사로 쓰일 때 형용사나 다른 부사를 후치 수식한다. enough fortunate을 fortunate enough로 고친다. *두 번째 오답 이유: 관계대명사 that은 계속적용법에 쓰일 수 없다. that을 which로 고친다.

[정답] ②


9. 밑줄 친 ㉠과 ㉡에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?

○ In Korea, the eldest son tends to ㉠ a lot of responsibility.

○ The same words  different meaning when said in different ways.

① take over                                             ② take down

③ take on                                               ④ take off

[해설] * take on: [본래의미 ~의 모습[태도]을 취하다]

(일, 역할을) 떠맡다(하다)(undertake); ~을 띠다, 가장하다(assume), ~를 고용하다(employ), 흥분하다(become excited), ~를 상대로 하여 싸우다(contend against); 인기를 얻다(catch on)

ex.) Jerry wouldn't take on any extra work. (Jerry는 어떤 일도 추가로 맡으려 하지 않았다.)

His face took on a look of despair. (그의 얼굴은 절망의 빛(기색)을 띠고 있었다.

He was taken on as a partner in the law firm. (그는 법률 사무소의 공동 출자자로서 일하게 되었다.)

The performance took on among young people. (그 공연은 젊은이들 사이에 인기가 있었다.)

[출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[숙어편] 140페이지]

[정답] ③



10. 밑줄 친 표현과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은?

We need to iron out a few problems first.

① conceive                                                ② review

③ solve                                                     ④ pose

[해설] iron out: "[옷 등의] [주름을] 다리미질하여(iron) 완전히(out) 펴다[없애다]"의 기본의미를 가진 iron out은 2차적 파생의미로 ‘(문제를) 없애다[바로잡다], 해결하다(=solve)"를 갖는다.

* iron out; [본래의미: 완전히(out) 다림질을 하다(iron))

문제를 해결하다(hammer out, solve, resolve); 다림질 하다

ex.] Let's iron out major issues first. (중요한 문제를 먼저 해결합시다.)

[출처: 보카바이블 뉴이디션[숙어편] 247페이지]

[정답] ③



11. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

Year after year, a survey sponsored by Scotland's Centre for European Labour Market Research finds the same thing: If you want to be happy in life, be happy in your job. Okay, but what will make me happy in my job? Some researchers at the University of British columbia in Canada have come up with an interesting way quantifying the seemingly unquantifiable.

(A) for example, trust in management - by far the biggest component of job satisfaction - is worth as much in your overall happiness as a very substantial raise.

Say you get a new boss and your trust in your workplace's management goes up a bit

(B) By analyzing life-satisfaction surveys that consider four key factors in job satisfaction, they have figured out how much each is worth when compared with salary increases.

(C) Even that small increase in trust is like getting a thirty six percent pay raise, the researchers calculate.

In other words, that will boost your level of overall satisfaction in life b about the same amount as a thirty six percent raise would.

① (A) - (B) - (C)                                             ② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (C) - (A) - (B)                                             ④ (C) - (B) - (A)

[해설] 문장 순서문제를 푸는 가장 빠른 요령은 우선 서로 밀접하게 의미가 연결되어 있는 두 개의 문장을 신속하게 찾아내는데 있다. 이 문제도 예외는 아닌데, 우선 (A)의 말미에 나오는 “goes up"이 (C)의 ”small increase"와 자연스러운 의미 연결을 가지므로 (A)와 (C)의 순서를 파악할 수 있는데 이를 충족시키는 선택지는 ②번 밖에 없음을 알 수 있다. 이후에 (B)번을 선두에 넣어 해석을 해 보면 전체적으로 완성된 지문 내용을 파악할 수 있다.

[정답] ②



※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [12-14]

12. It can sometimes feel as if South Korea, overworked, overstressed and ever anxious, is ______________________ a national nervous breakdown, with a rising divorce rate, students who feel suffocated b academic pressures, a suicide rate among the highest in the world and a macho corporate culture that still encourages blackout drinking sessions after work. More than 30 Koreans kill themselves everyday, and the suicides of entertainers, politicians, athletes and business leaders have become almost commonplace.

① by virtue of                                                  ② as opposed to

③ in favor of                                                    ④ on the verge of

[해설] 부정적인 한국의 상황을 보여주는 빈칸 앞이나, 높은 이혼률, 세상에서 가장 높은 자살률 등 을 보여주는 빈칸 다음의 with 이하 내용이 모두 부정적인 의미로 점철되어 있다. 그러므로 “국가적인 신경쇠약이 오기 직전‘이라는 표현하는 on the verge of가 빈칸에 가장 적절하다.

[정답] ④



13. Strategic thinking can make a positive impact on any area of life. The first step in strategic thinking is to ________________________________ so that you can focus on it more effectively. That's what automotive innovator Henry Ford did when he created the assembly line, and that's why he said, "Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." He also said, '' Only one person in a million can juggle the whole things at the same time and think strategically to create solid, valid plan" He is well known for his habit of splitting tasks. Right before the beginning of each weekday, he would think about daily issue, prioritizing the issues for the weekday. He made s rule to deal with issue only allotted for the day.

① make a habit taking notes

② break down an issue smaller

③ deal with daily tasks without delay

④ think twice before setting to a work

[해설] Henry Ford의 말을 인용한 "Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." He is well known for his habit of splitting tasks.에서 정답의 단서를 쉽게 찾을 수 있다.

[정답] ②



14. You as the parent must try to read their crying to be able to help them. This will also help you assess your children's perception oft your discipline. In many cases, when a child feels that he has been punished wrongly, it is more difficult to console him. He cried pathetically, , when a child feels guilty and he is not punished or assured of forgiveness, he is fell insecure and timid. In such a case when punished they may cry but quickly compose themselves and seek to attract love from the parent. Children usually want the crisp and clean punishment followed by fellowship rather than living with uncertainty.

① As a result                                                ② For example

③ In other words                                           ④ On the other hand

[해설] 빈칸을 전후로 부모의 자녀 훈육에 대한 서로 상반적인 내용이 나오고 있으므로 대조[역접]의 연결어 on the other hand가 필요하다.

[정답] ④



※ 주어진 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문15-16]

15. The space shuttle Challenger had just taken off for its tenth flight in January 1986 when it exploded in the air and killed all seven people inside. Millions of people around the world were watching the liftoff because schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe was on board. McAuliffe, who had been chosen to be the first teacher in space, was planning to broadcast lessons directly to schools from the shuttle's orbit around Earth. This Challenger disaster led NASA to stop all space shuttle missions for nearly three years while they looked for the cause of the explosion and fixed the problem. They soon discovered that the shuttle had a faulty seal on one of the rocket boosters. Unfortunately, the teacher-in-space program was indefinitely put on hold. So were NASA's plans to send musicians, journalists, and artists to space.

① Schoolteacher Christa McAuliff's pioneering participation in the space program

② The reason why the Americian space program was put on hold

③ The importance of the space research and training of astronauts

④ A satire of the unsuccessful or tragic space missions

[해설] Challenger호의 폭발이 지문의 주된 테마이다. 그 폭발로 우주탐사가 중단된 상황을 설명하는 지문이므로 ②번이 주제로 가장 적절하다.

[정답] ②



16. A team of researchers has found that immunizing patients with bee venom instead of with the bee's crushed bodies can better prevent serious and sometimes fatal sting reactions in the more than one million Americans who are hypersensitive to bee stings. The crushed-body treatment has been standard for fifty years, but a report released recently said that it was ineffective. The serum made from the crushed bodies of bees produced more adverse reactions than the injections of the venom did. The research compared results of the rushed-body treatment with results of immunotherapy that used insect venom and also with results of a placebo. After six to ten weeks of immunization, allergic reactions to stings occurred in seven of twelve patients treated with the placebo, seven of twelve treated with crushed-body extract, and one of eighteen treated with the venom.

① A new treatment for people allergic to bee stings

② A more effective method of preventing bee stings

③ The use of placebos in treating hypersensitive patients

④ Bee venom causing fatal reactions in hypersenitive patients

[해설] 지문 내용을 자칫 잘못 이해하면 ②번으로 오답이 가는 함정 문제이다. 지문 어디에도 벌에 쏘이는 것을 예방한다는 내용은 언급된 바 없다. bee venom(벌침 독)치료가 벌에 쏘인 사람이 일으키는 알러지에 더 효과가 있다는 내용이므로 ①번이 지문의 주제로 가장 적절하다.

[정답] ①



17. 다음 글을 요약한 문장에서 빈칸 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?

Look at the following list of numbers: 4, 8, 5, 3, 9, 7, 6 Read them out loud and memorize that sequence. If you speak English, you have about a 50 percent chance of remembering that perfectly. If you're Chinese, though, you're almost certain to get it right every time. This is because pronouncing them in Chinese takes shorter time. In addition, the number-naming systems are in Western and Asian languages, In English, for example, they say fourteen and sixteen, so one might expect that they would also say oneteen and twoteen. But they don't. THe number system in English is irregular. In contrast, Asians have logical counting systems. Those differences mean that Asian children learn to count mush faster and perform basic functions better than Western children.

Being good at ㉠ may be rooted in the different ㉡ systems.

            ㉠                                      ㉡

① pronunciations                          counting

② mathematics                             language

③ languages                                name

④ logic                                       culture

[해설] 숫자를 읽는데 있어 아시아의 언어 체계가 서양의 그것보다 우수하다는 내용을 담고 있으므로 ②번이 가장 적절한 답이다.

[정답] ②




18. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

It's long been part of folk wisdom that birth order strongly affects personality, intelligence and achievement. However, most of the research claiming that firstborns are radically different from other children has been discredited, and it now seems that any effects of birth order on intelligence or personality will likely be washed out by all the other influences in a person's life. In fact, the belief in the permanent impact of birth order, according to Toni Falbo, a social psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, comes from the psychological theory that your personality is fixed by the time you're six. That assumption simply is incorrect. The better, later and larger studies are less likely to find birth order a useful predictor of anything. When two Swiss social scientists, Cecile Emst and Jules Angst, reviewed 1,500 studies a few years ago they concluded that "birth order differences in personality are nonexistent in our sample. In particular, there is no evidence for a firstborn personality."

① A firstborn child is kind to other people.

② Birth order influences a person's intelligence.

③ An elder brother's personality is different from that of his younger brother.

④ Birth order has nothing to do with personality.

[해설] “출생 순서가 성격, 지능 그리고 성취에 강한 영향력을 미친다는 것이 대중적인 지혜의 오랜 부분이었다는” 통념 반박을 암시하는 첫 번째 문장에서 답을 빠르게 예측할 수 있으며 마지막 문장인 "birth order differences in personality are nonexistent in our sample의 내용에서도 지문의 요지가 분명히 드러난다.

[정답] ④



19. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Last one night, Catherine Ryan Hyde was driving in Los Angeles. In a dangerous neighborhood, her car caught on fire. She got out. Three men ran toward her. She immediately felt afraid of them. They didn't hurt her, though. They put out the fire and called the fire department. When she turned to thank them, they were gone. Years later, that event became the subject of her novel called Pay It Forward. She never forgot that event. In the book, a teacher asks his students to "think of an idea for world change and put it into action." A boy named Trevor suggested doing kind acts for others. They used his ideas. Trevor's idea works like this. Someone chooses three people and does something nice for each one. In return, the recipients of that favor must do favors for three more people. In 2000, the novel inspired a movie.

① The Kindness of Strangers

② A Trauma in Early Childhood

③ A Movie which influences Real Life

④ An Unintended Violation of Someone's Idea

[해설] 한 여인이 위험에 처하자 낯선 사람들이 나타나서 도왔다는 내용을 시작으로 지문이 시작되고 있으며 거기에 감화를 받은 그 여인이 그 사건을 토대로 책을 썼고 그 이후에 영화로까지 만들어졌다는 평이한 내용의 지문이다.

[정답] ①



20. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것은?

He knew, though, he would never become and Olympic runner, so he looked for other sports that he could play.

Many people have faced great obstacles in their lives but have found ways to overcome and actually benefit from these obstacles. For example, Greg Barton, the 1984, 1988, and 1992 U.S. Olympic medalist in kayaking, was born with a serious disability. ( A ) He had deformed feet, his toes pointed inward, and as a result, he could not walk easily. Even after a series of operations, he still had limited mobility. ( B ) Even so, Greg was never defeated. First, he taught himself to walk, and even to run. Then, he competed in his high school running them. ( C ) Happily, he discovered kayaking, a perfect sport for him because it required minimal leg and foot muscles. Using his upper body strength, he was able to master the sport. ( D ) Finally, after many years of training and perseverance, Greg made the 1984 Olympic team.

① A                                               ② B                                    ③ C                                           ④ D

[해설] 그는 고등학교 육상팀 에서 경쟁했다. ⇒ (C) *(주어진 문장) 그러나 그는 결코 올림픽 육상 선수가 될 수 없음을 알았다. 그래서 자신이 할 수 있는 다른 종목의 운동을 찾았다. ⇒ 그의 신체적 상황에 딱 맞는 카약을 발견했다.

[정답] ③


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