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01. (A)The increased in revenue (B)was greater than (C)had been (D)forecast.


02. The (A)terms 'resume' and 'curriculum vitae' mean (B)the same thing: a (C)one or (D)two-pages document describing one's experience.


03. People often act as if being able to read a newspaper or asking for directions proves that they are fluent in their native tongue.


04. The report, conducted by the Internet security firm Riptech Inc. of Alexandria, indicated that the information backbone upon which many countries rely remain vulnerable to cyber-attacks.


05. The board of trustees (A)are meeting tomorrow to (B)discuss about the proposal that the company, instead of (C)stopping recruiting, (D)should lessen the workload.


06. (A)Even when exhausted, (B)an Olympic gymnast (Ccontinues to work out and (D)performing.


07. It will never be known whether the agents ____________ the attacks if they had received the green light earlier.

(A) can prevent (B) have prevented

(C) had prevented (D) could have prevented


08. I had better put the meat in the refrigerator so that it ________.

(A) didn't melt (B) wouldn't melt

(C)won't melt (D) doesn't melt


09. When I tried the spicy mexican chicken last night, I had to keep my mouth open for minutes, _______ it with my hand.

fanning fanned fan with fanning


10. It is no good ____________ me about your lost wallet.

(1) to tell (2) having told (3) tell (4) telling


11. Mr. Brown came to Korea last year __________ the Korean language.

for to study for study of

for studying for to studying


12. After seeing the movie, ____________.

the book made him read it

he was made read the book

the book reading was done by him

he wanted to read the book

he was interesting in reading the book


13. The first systematic chart ever made of an ocean current ________ by Benjamin Franklin.

published publishing to publish

was published has published


14. In Tailand, pointing at someone with one of your feet is considered ________ him.

(1) insulted (2) insulting (3) disliked (4) little of


15. The manager insisted that all employees the upcoming charity party next Friday night.

(A) attend (B) attends (C) attended (D) will attend


16. While ____________, hold on to the back of your thighs and bend down slowly as low as you can.

(A) seat (B) to seat (C) seated (D) seating


17. Certain fish eggs contain droplets of oil, to float on the surface of the water.

allowing them allows them

they are allowed this allows them





18. has interested scientists for several centuries.

(A) Fish are swimming (B) How fish swim

(C) The fish can swim (D) Could fish swim


19. I wonder how much .

cost these shoes do these shoes cost

does these shoes cost are these shoes cost

these shoes cost


20. The Canterbury Tales, written about 1386, is as alive and ______ today as it was nearly 600 years ago.

appealed appeal appealing the appeal of


21. According to the advanced education law, students are required to complete classes over a period of at least 15 weeks in a semester ____________ advance to an upper grade or graduate.

because in order to so that even if


22. By the time my son to the park, I hope that it will have stopped raining.

(A) will get (B) has got (C) get (D) gets


23. The Japanese use seven times _________ for food as do Americans.

fish the fish more fish as much fish as fish


24. Her flight is scheduled to arrive early morning.

(A) in (B) at (C) this (D) on


25. Florida Republican Senator Connie Mack has endorsed Ms. Barlett, who GOP elites in that state.

(A) is popular at (B) is popular with

(C) has been popular at (D) has been popular among


26. I really look forward to __________ my old friends in the States.

meet meeting be meeting be met


27. Bill asked me for the money he'd lent me, but I'd already ________. He just forgot.

(A) paid them back (B) paid back them

(C) paid it back (D) paid back it


28. (영작) 한국의 노무현 대통령은 중국의 후진타오 주석과 회담하러 월요일에 베이징에 도착한다.

(A) The South Korean President, Roh Moo Hyun, will arrive on Beijing in Monday to talk with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao.

(B) The South Korean President, Roh Moo Hyun, is arriving in Beijing in Monday talking with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao.

(C) The South Korean President, Roh Moo Hyun, has arrived in Beijing on Monday to talks with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao.

(D) The South Korean President, Roh Moo Hyun, arrives in Beijing on Monday for talks with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao.


29. Albert Einstein was such brilliant a scientist that many of his colleagues had to study for several years in order to form opinions about his theories.


30. Loggerhead (A)turtles lay (B)thousands eggs (C)at a single time, but (D)only a few survive to adulthood.


31. (A)A good golfer (B)careful chooses (C)which club (D)to use.


32. If a company is found to hire a (A)high percentage from one (B)group of applicants than (C)another, the company can be (D)legally challenged by the government.


33. Professor Kim (A)will depend on his (B)research assistants while he (C)will take a leave of (D)absence next year. 


공무원 기출문법유형 500제,왕글리쉬 500제,왕글500제,기출공무원문법,문법다운로드,문법문제다운로드,기출문법족보,기출문법문제,기출무료다운,기출문법자료,문법무료자료, 이재훈 기출문법, 공무원문법,경찰문법,경단기,공단기,경시모,구꿈사,공수모,기출문법왕글리쉬,공무원파이널문법,파이널문법,이재훈파이널문법,문법500제, 공무원영어공부,공무원문법공부,

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